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The coupling interfaces in different solvers are often discretized (meshed) differently, resulting in non-conforming ModelParts. For this reason, mapping is usually required, to transfer data from the output Interface of one solver to the input Interface of another.

The terms from and to will be used to denote respectively the side that provides the original data and the side that receives the mapped data.

General concepts

CoCoNuT interacts with the mappers through an instance of the SolverWrapperMapped class. This special solver wrapper appears and behaves exactly the same as real solver wrappers. It contains 3 Components: a mapper for the input, a real solver wrapper and a mapper for the output.

The two mappers in the SolverWrapperMapped are of a special type: they work on the level of the Interfaces, while the actual mapping will be done on a lower level: the ModelPart level. The Interface mapper effectively acts as a wrapper around the actual ModelPart mappers. Currently only one mapper is available on the Interface level, aptly called MapperInterface.

At the lowest level, mappers interpolate variable data (stored in Interfaces) between two ModelParts, based on their coordinates. Interpolation is always done from the from ModelPart to the to-ModelPart. Multiple ModelPart mappers can be chained together in a MapperCombined object, to add additional functionality, for example swapping the coordinate axes with the permutation mapper.

Interpolators and transformers

The ModelPart-level mappers have two main methods: initialize and __call__. The initialize method performs one-time expensive operations, such as a nearest-neighbour search and the calculation of interpolation coefficients. The __call__ method is used for the actual mapping. It takes two tuples as arguments (from and to respectively). Each tuple contains an Interface object, the name of the affected ModelPart and the name of the variable that must be mapped. This method returns nothing: the mapping is done in-place in the to-Interface.

There are two types of ModelPart mappers: interpolators and transformers. They can be distinguished by their superclass. All interpolators inherit from the superclass MappedInterpolator. These mappers do the actual interpolation. Currently, a nearest-neighbour mapper, a linear mapper and a radial basis mapper are available. All transformers inherit from the superclass MappedTransformer. They provide additional functionality that can be useful during mapping. They do not map values from one point cloud to another like the interpolators, but perform one-sided transformations on the coordinates and/or the data. One example is the permutation transformer: it swaps the coordinate axes of the ModelPart and accordingly the components of vector variables. A transformer can never be used by itself, it must always be combined with an interpolator. The reason is that interpolators use information that comes from two sides, which is exactly what the higher-level SolverWrapperMapped and MapperInterface objects are supplying. To chain together multiple ModelPart mappers, the MapperCombined is used: it contains always one interpolator and zero or more transformers, on either side of the interpolator.

Special mapper classes


Class that maps on the level of Interface objects. It takes two Interfaces, and maps the ModelParts to each other in the order in which the Interfaces are defined in the JSON file. The same type of ModelPart mapper is used for each pair of ModelParts: this can either be an interpolator or a combined mapper. To use a different ModelPart mapper for the different ModelParts in the Interface, or even for different variables, a new Interface mapper would have to be written.

parameter type description
type str ModelPart mapper to be used.
settings dict All the settings for the ModelPart mapper specified in type.


Superclass for all interpolators.

parameter type description
balanced_tree bool (optional) Default: false. If set to true a balanced cKDTree is created, which is more stable, but takes longer to build. Set to true in the rare case that the tree gives problems.
check_bounding_box bool (optional) Default: true. If true it is checked if the bounding boxes of the from- and to-ModelParts overlap in the provided mapping directions.
directions list List of coordinate directions, maximum three entries, may contain "x", "y", "z".
scaling list (optional) Default: no scaling. List of scaling factors, must be same length as directions. Coordinates are scaled with these factors, this may improve interpolation e.g. when cells have a high aspect ratio with respect to one of the axes.

The initialize method must be defined in all child classes. It takes as arguments the from-ModelPart and the to-ModelPart. It does the following:

  • read and store the coordinates from the from- and to-ModelParts,
  • scale coordinates if necessary,
  • check if the bounding boxes of the from- and to-ModelParts overlap,
  • do an efficient nearest neighbour search using scipy.spatial.cKDTree,
  • check if the from-ModelPart does not contain duplicate coordinates.

The __call__ method should not be overridden in the child classes. It interpolates data based on coefficients that are calculated in the initialize method of the child classes. Both scalar and vector variables can be mapped.


Superclass for all transformers. A transformer cannot be used as a standalone mapper, but will always be part of a combined mapper.

The initialization of transformers is very different from that of interpolators. A transformer is initialized from one side (either the from or the to side), i.e. based on a single ModelPart. From this input ModelPart, the initialize method creates and returns another ModelPart that is stored and used in the combined mapper.


parameter type description
mappers list An ordered list of all the ModelPart mappers to be used.

The MapperCombined is used to chain together multiple mappers. It always contains a single interpolator and zero or more transformers, which can be on either side of the interpolator. If transformers are present, intermediate ModelParts are created during initialization. This is done by working inwards towards the interpolator. This means that transformers upstream of the interpolator, are initialized based on the from-ModelPart (input), while downstream transformers are initialized based on the to-ModelPart (output). Some transformers can only be initialized in one direction, e.g. for MapperAxisymmetric3DTo2D, the 2D to-ModelPart must be supplied, therefore this transformer must be downstream of the interpolator.

These concepts are clarified further using an excerpt from the JSON file of the Fluent 3D - Abaqus 2D tube example:

"type": "mappers.combined",
"settings": {
    "mappers": [
        {"type": "mappers.permutation",
        "settings": {"permutation": [1, 0, 2]}},
        {"type": "mappers.radial_basis",
        "settings": {"directions": ["x", "y", "z"]}},
        {"type": "mappers.axisymmetric_3d_to_2d",
        "settings": {"direction_axial": "y", "direction_radial": "x", "n_tangential": 8}}
This combined mapper contains 3 ModelPart mappers. In the initialize method, the following happens (in this order):

  • A first intermediate ModelPart is created by calling the initialize method of the permutation transformer. This is done by swapping the x and y coordinates of the from-ModelPart.
  • A second intermediate ModelPart is created by calling the initialize method of the axisymmetric transformer. The coordinates of the 2D to-ModelPart are used to create the 3D intermediate ModelPart by adding points in the circumferential direction.
  • The mapping coefficients of the radial basis interpolator are calculated by calling its initialize method. The first intermediate ModelPart is used as from-ModelPart, the second intermediate ModelPart is used as to-ModelPart.

When the __call__ method of the combined mapper is used, the following happens (in this order):

  • The from-data (stored in the from-Interface) is mapped from the from-ModelPart to the first intermediate ModelPart using the __call__ method of the permutation mapper: scalar variables are unchanged, vector variables are permuted.
  • The resulting data is now interpolated to the second intermediate ModelPart, using the __call__ method of the radial basis mapper.
  • Finally, that data is mapped to the to-ModelPart using the __call__ method of the axisymmetric transformer, reducing it from 3D to 2D. That data is written to the to-Interface.



Permutates the coordinates and the vector variables according to the given permutation. This transformer can be initialized in both directions.

parameter type description
permutation list A permutation of the list [0, 1, 2].


Transforms a 2D axisymmetric geometry to a 3D geometry. This transformer can only be initialized in the forward direction, i.e. based on the 2D axisymmetric ModelPart. Therefore, it should be upstream of the interpolator in the combined mapper.

The 3D ModelPart is returned by the initialization.angle defines the 3D geometry and is based on the geometry of the 3D solver, e.g. the geometry of an axisymmtric simulation with an OpenFoam solver is defined with an angle of 5°. n_tangential specifies the number of points in the tangential (circumferential) direction, so that for each point in the 2D ModelPart, n_tangential points are created in the 3D ModelPart. It is important to make the value of n_tangential large enough, ideally close to the number of points in the tangential direction in the 3D solver. The code knows which directions are axial, radial and tangential thanks to the input parameters direction_axial and direction_radial.

It is not possible to change the axial direction between 2D and 3D: a separate MapperPermutation should be added to the combined mapper for that purpose.

Scalar data is simply copied from the 2D point to all corresponding 3D points. For vector data, the axial component is simply copied, the radial component is rotated. The tangential component (e.g. swirl) is not taken into account currently.

Points that lie on the symmetry axis can not be handled by the current transformer.

parameter type description
direction_axial str Must be "x", "y" or "z", specifies the symmetry axis.
direction_radial str Must be "x", "y" or "z", specifies the second (radial) axis in 2D.
n_tangential int Degrees of freedom in tangential (circumferential) direction of 3D ModelPart that is created during initialization. The minimum setting of n_tangential points depends of the definition of the angle.
angle int (optional) Default: 360. Angle of the (partial) 3D cylinder constructed from the 2D geometry, centred around the radial direction.


Transforms a 3D geometry to a 2D axisymmetric geometry. This transformer can only be initialized in the backward direction, i.e. based on the 2D axisymmetric ModelPart. Therefore, it should be downstream of the interpolator in the combined mapper.

For scalar data, the circumferential average is taken for each 2D point. For vector data too, taking into account the correct radial direction in each 3D point. Again, swirl cannot be taken into account: if a tangential component is present in 3D, it is not transferred to 2D.

More information and JSON settings can be found under MapperAxisymmetric2DTo3D.


Transforms a 2D geometry to a 3D geometry, by extruding in a depth direction. This transformer can only be initialized in the forward direction, i.e. based on the 2D axisymmetric ModelPart. Therefore, it should be upstream of the interpolator in the combined mapper.

The 3D ModelPart is returned by the initialization. The depth direction in which the 2D ModelPart is extended, is specified by direction_depth. This direction has to be along one of the principal axes: x, y and z. The number of nodes in the depth direction and their location are given by the list coordinates_depth.

Scalar data is simply copied from the 2D point to all corresponding 3D points. For vector data, all components other than the depth component are simply copied. The depth component is set to zero.

parameter type description
coordinates_depth list Contains the depth coordinates to which the nodes of the orignal 2D plane are copied.
direction_depth str Must be "x", "y" or "z", specifies the symmetry axis.


Transforms a 3D geometry to a 2D axisymmetric geometry, by collapsing in a depth direction. This transformer can only be initialized in the backward direction, i.e. based on the 2D axisymmetric ModelPart. Therefore, it should be downstream of the interpolator in the combined mapper.

For scalar data, the average is taken for each 2D point. For vector data too, again removing the depth component.

More information and JSON settings can be found under MapperDepth2DTo3D.



Does not require additional settings compared to the MapperInterpolator. Does simple nearest-neighbour mapping.


Additional settings:

parameter type description
parallel bool (optional) Default: false. If true the package multiprocessing is used to parallellize the loop that the calculates the interpolation coefficients. This is only useful for ModelParts with a very high number of degrees of freedom.

The kind of linear mapping depends on the number of coordinate directions, as given in the directions setting.

1D: If the to-point lies between the 2 nearest from-points, linear interpolation is done. Else, nearest neighbour interpolation is done.

2D: The to-point is first projected on the line through the 2 nearest from-points. If the projected point lies between the from-points, linear interpolation is done. Else, nearest neighbour interpolation is done.

3D: The to-point is first projected on the plane through the 3 nearest from-points. If the triangle consisting of those 3 points is deprecated (colinear points), the 2D-methodology is followed. Else, if the projected point lies inside the triangle, barycentric interpolation is done. If it lies outside the triangle, the 2D-methodology is followed.


Additional settings:

parameter type description
n_nearest int (optional) Default: 81, if mapping in 3 directions, else 9. Number of nearest neighbours used to perform mapping.
parallel bool (optional) Default: false. If true the package multiprocessing is used to parallellize the loop that the calculates the interpolation coefficients. This is only useful for ModelParts with a very high number of degrees of freedom.
shape_parameter int (optional) Default: 200. Should be chosen as large as possible without rendering the interpolation matrix ill-conditioned.

Radial basis function interpolation is relatively straightforward: implementation for 1D, 2D and 3D is exactly the same and can be written in a condensed way using scipy.spatial.distance.

Normal radial basis interpolation is done as follows. \phi(r) is a radial basis function defined as

\phi(r) = \begin{cases} (1-\frac{r}{d_{ref}})^4 (1 + 4\frac{r}{d_{ref}}) \quad &\mathrm{for} \quad 0 \leq \frac{r}{d_{ref}} < 1 \\ 0 &\mathrm{for} \quad 1 \leq \frac{r}{d_{ref}} \end{cases}

with r a positive distance. To control the width of the function, r is scaled with a reference distance d_{ref}.

Assume that n nearest from-points will be used in the interpolation. An unknown function f(\boldsymbol{x}) can then be approximated as the weighted sum of n shifted radial basis functions:

f(\boldsymbol{x}) = \sum_j \alpha_j \phi(||\boldsymbol{x} - \boldsymbol{x}_j||)

To determine the coefficients \alpha_j, we require that the exact function value is returned at the n from-points. This gives us n equations

f(\boldsymbol{x}_i) = f_i = \sum_j \alpha_j \phi(||\boldsymbol{x}_i - \boldsymbol{x}_j||)

which can be written in matrix form as

\boldsymbol{f} = \boldsymbol{\Phi} \boldsymbol{\alpha}

with \boldsymbol{f}, \boldsymbol{\alpha} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times 1}, and \boldsymbol{\Phi} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}. This system can be solved for the weights-vector \boldsymbol{\alpha}.

However, in our case, the from-point values vector \boldsymbol{f} is not known in advance: it contains the values of the Variable that will be interpolated.

Therefore, the approximation to calculate the interpolatoin in the to-point is rewritten as follows:

f(\boldsymbol{x}_{to}) = \sum_j \alpha_j \phi(||\boldsymbol{x}_{to} - \boldsymbol{x}_j||) = \boldsymbol{\Phi}_{to}^T \boldsymbol{\alpha} = \boldsymbol{\Phi}_{to}^T \boldsymbol{\Phi}^{-1} \boldsymbol{f} = \boldsymbol{c}^T \boldsymbol{f}

The coefficients vector \boldsymbol{c} can now be calculated based only on the coordinates by solving the system

\boldsymbol{\Phi} \ \boldsymbol{c} = \boldsymbol{\Phi}_{to}.

As every to-point has different nearest neighbours in the from-points, the coefficient vector \boldsymbol{c} must be calculated for each to-point independently. The matrix \boldsymbol{\Phi} and vector \boldsymbol{\Phi}_{to} must also be calculated for every to-point independently.

For every to-point, the reference distance d_{ref} is determined as the product of the shape_parameter and the distance between the to-point and the furthest from-point.

In order to ensure that the basis function of each of the nearest from-points covers every from-point, the shape_parameter should be larger than two. This value may however lead to an interpolation function which consists of sharp peaks or wiggles, with the correct value near the from-points, but a deviating value away from them.

In the extreme case of d_{ref} approaching zero, the so-called "bed-of-nails interpolant" is obtained, which is close to zero everywhere, except near the from-points where it sharply peaks. In this case the interpolation matrix approaches the identity matrix.

Choosing a higher value improves the interpolation as the basis functions become wider, but the interpolation matrix becomes less stable, i.e. the condition number increases. The default value is 200. In practice, the shape_parameter is chosen so that the interpolation matrix is "on the edge of ill-conditioning" (for example, with a condition number of roughly 10^{13} for double-precision floating point). A warning is printed when the condition number of an interpolation matrix becomes higher than 10^{13}.